Bbc Choral Society (5 страница)

Найдено 170 композиций

The Duenna, Act 3, Scene 2: No. 42, Closing Announcement LiveStanford Robinson, Max Worthley, Victoria Sladen, BBC Symphony Chorus & BBC Symphony Orchestra
Messiah, HWV 56, Part III: "Air I know that my Redeemer liveth"BBC Symphony Chorus, BBC Symphony Orchestra, Sir Thomas Beecham, Muriel Brunskill, Hubert Eisdell, Dora Labbette
A Child of Our Time - Part II (BBC Chorus and Symphony Orchestra\Sir Colin Davis)Michael Tippett
Symphony No. 8 "Symphony of a Thousand" - Part II. Schlussszene von Goethes "Faust": "Alles Vergängliche ist nur ein Gleichnis" (Chorus Mysticus)Joyce Barker, Beryl Hatt, Agnes Giebel, Kerstin Meyer, Helen Watts, Kenneth Neate, Alfred Orda, Arnold van Mill, Goldsmith's Choral Union, Hampstead Choral Society, BBC Choral Society, BBC Chorus, Emanuel School Boy's Choir, Orpington Junior Singers, London Symphony Orchestra, Jascha Horenstein
A Child of our Time / Pt. 1: "Is Evil Then Good?"BBC Choral Society, Sir Colin Davis, Janet Baker, BBC Singers & The BBC Symphony Orchestra
Walton : Belshazzar's Feast : I "Thus spake Isaiah"Andrew Davis, BBC Singers, BBC Symphony Chorus & Orchestra
A Child of our Time / Pt. 1: "Now in Each Nation" - "When Shall The Userer's City Cease"BBC Choral Society, Sir Colin Davis, John Shirley-Quirk, BBC Singers & The BBC Symphony Orchestra
Adams: Doctor Atomic, Act II, Scene 3: Chorus - "At the sight of this"BBC Symphony Orchestra, BBC Singers, John Adams