Emma Kirkby (3 страница)

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Arne: The Masque of Comus - "By The Rushy-Fringed Bank"Emma Kirkby, Academy of Ancient Music, Christopher Hogwood
Cleofide: Act III Scene 12: Recitative: Signor qui prigioniero e il Re nemico (Timagene, Alessandro, Cleofide, Poro, Gandarte)Emma Kirkby, Derek Lee Ragin, David Cordier, William Christie, Agnes Mellon, Cappella Coloniensis, Randalk K. Wong, Dominique Visse & Rheinische Kantorei
Pergolesi: Salve Regina in C minor (1736) - 3. Eja ergoEmma Kirkby, Academy of Ancient Music, Christopher Hogwood
Vivaldi: Nulla in mundo pax, RV 630 - 4. Alleluia (Allegro)Emma Kirkby, Academy of Ancient Music, Christopher Hogwood
Cleofide: Act I Scene 1: Recitative: Fermatevi, codardi. Ah con la fuga (Cleofide, Poro)William Christie, Cappella Coloniensis, Emma Kirkby, Derek Lee Ragin, Dominique Visse, Randalk K. Wong, Agnes Mellon, Rheinische Kantorei & David Cordier
Haydn: The Creation, Hob.XXI:2 / Pt. 1 - Scene 2 - The Marv'lous Work Beholds AmazedEmma Kirkby, Academy of Ancient Music, Christopher Hogwood
Vivaldi: Nulla in mundo pax, RV 630 - 4. Alleluia (Allegro)Emma Kirkby, Academy of Ancient Music, Christopher Hogwood
Cleofide: Act II Scene 15: Accompagnato: Qual tempesta d' affeti, e qual orrore (Cleofide)William Christie, Agnes Mellon, Randalk K. Wong, Cappella Coloniensis, David Cordier, Derek Lee Ragin, Rheinische Kantorei, Dominique Visse & Emma Kirkby
Cleofide: Act II Scene 5: Recitative: Signor, l'India festiva (Cleofide, Alessandro, Timagene, Gandarte) - Scene 6: Dove mio ben? (Cleofide, Poro)Emma Kirkby, Dominique Visse, Randalk K. Wong, David Cordier, Derek Lee Ragin, Rheinische Kantorei, Agnes Mellon, William Christie & Cappella Coloniensis
Cleofide: Act II Scene 1: Recitative: E passera l'Idaspe (Poro, Cleofide) - Scene 2: Duet: Poro, Gandarte, arriva (Erissena, Poro, Gandarte)David Cordier, William Christie, Agnes Mellon, Rheinische Kantorei, Emma Kirkby, Dominique Visse, Cappella Coloniensis, Randalk K. Wong & Derek Lee Ragin
D'India: Odi quel rosignuoloEmma Kirkby, Anthony Rooley, Trevor Jones
Madrigals, Book 2 (Il secondo libro de madrigali 1590): Dolcemente dormiva la mia Clori (wds. Tasso)The Consort of Musicke/Anthony Rooley/Dame Emma Kirkby/Evelyn Tubb/Mary Nichols/Andrew King/Paul Agnew/Alan Ewing
Cleofide: Act I Scene 15: Recitative: Monarca, il Duce Asbite (Timagene, Alessandro, Cleofide) - Scene 16: Cleofide, Alessandro (Poro, Cleofide, Alessandro)Derek Lee Ragin, Dominique Visse, David Cordier, William Christie, Rheinische Kantorei, Agnes Mellon, Emma Kirkby, Cappella Coloniensis & Randalk K. Wong
Cleofide: Act I Scene 2: Fuggi, mio Re (Gandarte, Poro) - Scene 3: In vano empia Fortuna (Poro, Timagene, Alessandro)Emma Kirkby, Derek Lee Ragin, Dominique Visse, Randalk K. Wong, David Cordier, Agnes Mellon, Rheinische Kantorei, Cappella Coloniensis & William Christie
Bach, JS: Lobet Gott in seinen Reichen, BWV 11 "Himmelfahrtsoratorium": No. 10, Aria. "Jesu, deine Gnadenblicke“Dame Emma Kirkby, Evelyn Tubb, Margaret Cable, Wilfried Jochens, Stephen Charlesworth, Taverner Players, Taverner Consort, Andrew Parrott
Cleofide: Act II Scene 12: Recitative: Per falvarti, o Regina (Alessandro, Cleofide, Gandarte)David Cordier, William Christie, Agnes Mellon, Rheinische Kantorei, Cappella Coloniensis, Derek Lee Ragin, Randalk K. Wong, Emma Kirkby & Dominique Visse
Cleofide: Act II Scene 14: Recitative: Poro mio dolce Amor, anima mia (Cleofide, Erissena)David Cordier, William Christie, Rheinische Kantorei, Emma Kirkby, Derek Lee Ragin, Dominique Visse, Cappella Coloniensis, Randalk K. Wong & Agnes Mellon
Jauchzet Gott in allen Landen, Cantata BWV 51: 3. "Höchster, mache deine Güte"Emma Kirby
Campion: When To Her Lute Corrina SingsEmma Kirkby, Anthony Rooley
22-23. Und dass ihr's alle wisst...Mein Schatz, erraten!Christopher Hogwood, The Academy of Ancient Music, David Thomas, Emma Kirkby
Purcell: Dido and Aeneas / Act 1 - "Pursue thy conquest, love"Emma Kirkby, Academy of Ancient Music, Christopher Hogwood
Cleofide: Act II Scene 6: Recitative: Ah! mio ben, giunge il Nemico (Cleofide, Poro) - Scene 7: Crudel, t arresta (Alessandro, Poro, Cleofide) - Scene 8: Le greche Schiere (Timagene, Poro, Alessandro)Derek Lee Ragin, William Christie, Randalk K. Wong, Emma Kirkby, Dominique Visse, Cappella Coloniensis, David Cordier, Rheinische Kantorei & Agnes Mellon
Cleofide: Act III Scene 8: Recitative: Ecco spezzato il solo (Poro, Gandarte) - Scene 9: Fermati (Erissena, Poro, Gandarte)Emma Kirkby, Derek Lee Ragin, Dominique Visse, Randalk K. Wong, David Cordier, Agnes Mellon, Rheinische Kantorei, Cappella Coloniensis & William Christie
Madrigals, Book 2 (Il secondo libro de madrigali 1590): Non sono in queste rive fiori (wds. Tasso)The Consort of Musicke/Anthony Rooley/Dame Emma Kirkby/Evelyn Tubb/Mary Nichols/Andrew King/Paul Agnew/Alan Ewing
Cleofide: Act II Scene 10: Recitative: Tenerezze ingegnose! (Poro, Timagene) - Scene 11: D'Alessandro in disesa (Timagene)Emma Kirkby, Dominique Visse, William Christie, Agnes Mellon, Cappella Coloniensis, Derek Lee Ragin, Rheinische Kantorei, Randalk K. Wong & David Cordier
Mozart: "Ah, lo previdi...Ah, t'invola agl'occhi miei", K.272Emma Kirkby, Academy of Ancient Music, Christopher Hogwood
Madrigals, Book 8 (L'ottavo libro de madrigali, 1638: Balli), Volgendo il ciel: Entrata come di sopra - Movete al mio bel suonThe Consort of Musicke/Anthony Rooley/Paul Agnew/Emma Kirkby/Suzie LeBlanc/Mary Nichols/Alan Ewing/Andrew King/Evelyn Tubb
A Musicall Dreame (1609): O Thred of lifeEmma Kirkby, Anthony Rooley
Pergolesi: Salve Regina in C minor (1736) - 2. Ad te clamamusEmma Kirkby, Academy of Ancient Music, Christopher Hogwood
Handel: Messiah / Part 1 - "Thus Saith The Lord...But Who May Abide"Emma Kirkby, Academy of Ancient Music, Christopher Hogwood
Cleofide: Act III Scene 2: Recitative: Un fi fatal impegno (Erissena, Cleofide) - Scene 3: Regina, A che (Alessandro, Cleofide, Erissena) - Scene 4: Cleofide si presto (Cleofide, Erissane)David Cordier, Agnes Mellon, Cappella Coloniensis, Derek Lee Ragin, Dominique Visse, William Christie, Emma Kirkby, Randalk K. Wong & Rheinische Kantorei
Now cease my wand'ring eyesEmma Kirkby, Anthony Rooley
The Second Booke of Songs or Ayres: Die not before thy dayEmma Kirkby, Anthony Rooley
Handel: Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 2, Scene 1: Aria. "He Was Despised and Rejected of Men"Andrew Parrott feat. Margaret Cable, Taverner Players
Haydn: The Creation, Hob.XXI:2 / Pt. 1 - Scene 4 - The Heavens Are Telling The Glory Of GodEmma Kirkby, Anthony Rolfe Johnson, Michael George, Choir of New College Oxford, The Academy Of Ancient Music Chorus, Academy of Ancient Music, Christopher Hogwood
Mister Dowland's Midnight (orpharion)Emma Kirkby, Anthony Rooley
Handel: Messiah, HWV 56 / Pt. 3 - "If God Be For Us"Emma Kirkby, Academy of Ancient Music, Christopher Hogwood
Vivaldi: Nulla in mundo pax, RV 630 - 4. Alleluia (Allegro)Emma Kirkby, Academy of Ancient Music, Christopher Hogwood