Frank Garfield

Найдено 8 композиций

Don John of Austria: Act II, Scene II: Dialogue, "The sword that Don John raised against you" (Don Ruy de Gomes, King Philip, Don Ferdinand de Valdes, Don Quexada) LiveFrank Garfield, Grant Doyle, Mark Pegler, Paul Whelan
Don John of Austria: Act II, Scene I: Chorus, "Hark, the solemn bell is calling" LiveFrank Garfield, Grant Doyle, Paul Whelan, Sydney Symphony, Garth Holcombe, Jonathan Hardy, Mark Pegler, Nathan Lovejoy, Sally-Anne Russell, Steve Davislim, Cheryl Barker
Don John of Austria: Act II, Scene I: Chorus, "Hark, the solemn bell is calling" LiveFrank Garfield, Grant Doyle, Paul Whelan, Sydney Symphony, Garth Holcombe, Jonathan Hardy, Mark Pegler, Nathan Lovejoy, Sally-Anne Russell, Steve Davislim, Cheryl Barker
Dham ApaneHare Madhav Official
John R and GarfieldFrank Foster Quartet
Don John of Austria: Act II, Scene II: Dialogue, "The sword that Don John raised against you" (Don Ruy de Gomes, King Philip, Don Ferdinand de Valdes, Don Quexada) LiveFrank Garfield, Grant Doyle, Mark Pegler, Paul Whelan