Metropolitan Opera House (2 страница)

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Don Carlo, Act III, Scene 9: "Ah! sii maledetto, - sospetto fatale," (Filippo, Rodrigo, Eboli, Elisabetta)Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House, Nino Verchi, Mario Sereni, Mary Curtis-Verna, Irene Dalis, Jerome Hines
Il barbiere di Siviglia, Act I: No. 2, Cavatina. Largo al factotum della città (Figaro)Robert Merrill, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House, Erich Leinsdorf
Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act II, Scene 25: "Già la mensa è preparata" (Don Giovanni, Leporello)George London, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House, Max Rudolf
Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act II, Scene 27: "Don Giovanni, a cenar teco" (Commendatore, Don Giovanni, Leporello)Luben Vichegonov, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House, Max Rudolf
Don Giovanni, Act II, Scene 11: "Sola, sola, in bulo loco" (Ottavio, Anna, Elvira, Leporello, Zerlina, Masetto)Cesare Valletti, Eleanor Steber, Lisa Della Casa, Ezio Flagello, Laurel Hurley, Theodor Uppman, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House, Karl Böhm
Götterdämmerung, Act I, Scene 6: "Willkommen, Gast, in Gibichs Haus!" (Gutrune, Siegfried, Gunther)Marianne Schech, Wolfgang Windgassen, Hermann Uhde, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House, Fritz Stiedry
Don Carlo, Act I, Scene 9: "La Regina!" (Coro, Eboli, Elisabetta, Tebaldo, Rodrigo)Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House, Chorus of the Metropolitan Opera House, Nino Verchi, Kurt Adler, Mary Curtis-Verna, Mario Sereni, Irene Dalis, Joan Wall
Salome, Op. 54, IRS 86, Act I: "Wahrhaftig, Herr, es wäre besser" (Erster Juden, Herodes, Herodias, Zwei Nazarener, Jochanaan)Metropolitan Opera House Orchestra, Dimitri Mitropoulos, Gabor Carelli, Ramon Vinay, Blanche Thebom, Calvin Marsh, Mack Harrell
Andrea Chénier: Act III - Dumouriez, traditoreEva Marton, JOSE CARRERAS
Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act I, Scene 8: "Ah chi mi dice mai" (Donna Elvira, Don Giovanni , Leporello)Eleanor Steber, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House, Max Rudolf
Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act II, Scene 30: "Questo è il fin di chi fa mal!" (Tutti)Tutti, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House, Max Rudolf
Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act I, Scene 35: "Ecco il birbo che t'ha offesa" (Don Giovanni, Leporello, Don Ottavio, Donna Anna, Donna Elvira)George London, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House, Max Rudolf
Salome: "Salome, ich beschwöre dich, sei nicht trotzig" (Herodes, Herodias, Salome, Judes)Set Svanholm, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House, Fritz Reiner
Götterdämmerung, Act III, Scene 4: "Was leid' ich doch das karge Lob?" (Siegfried, Rheintöchter)Wolfgang Windgassen, Belén Amparan, Margaret Roggero, Gloria Lind, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House, Fritz Stiedry
Don Carlo, Act I, Scene 7: "Sotto ai folti, immensi abeti," (Coro, Tebaldo, Eboli)Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House, Chorus of the Metropolitan Opera House, Nino Verchi, Kurt Adler, Joan Wall, Irene Dalis
Don Giovanni, Act I, Scene 2: "Notte e giorno faticar" (Leporello, Anna, Giovanni, Commendatore)Ezio Flagello, Eleanor Steber, George London, William Wilderman, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House, Karl Böhm
Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act II, Scene 3: "Ah taci, ingiusto core!" (Donna Elvira, Leporello, Don Giovanni)Eleanor Steber, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House, Max Rudolf
Salome, Op. 54, IRS 86, Act I: "Wo ist Salome? Wo ist die Prinzessin?" (Herodes, Herodias, Erste Soldat)Metropolitan Opera House Orchestra, Dimitri Mitropoulos, Ramon Vinay, Blanche Thebom, Norman Scott
Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act II, Scene 26: "L'ultima prova dell'amor mio" (Donna Elvira, Don Giovanni, Leporello)Eleanor Steber, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House, Max Rudolf
Pelléas et Mélisande, L. 88, Act V, Scene 1: "Ce n'est pas de cette petite blessure" (Médecin, Arkel, Golaud, Mélisande)Clifford Harvuot, Giorgio Tozzi, George London, Victoria de los Angeles, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House, Jean Morel
Conductor: Yves Abel-Erin Morley-Hibla Gerzmava-Christine Rice-Kate Lindsey-Vittorio Grigolo-Thomas HampsonOffenbach Les Contes d'Hofmann-New York, Metropolitan Opera House, January 2015
Götterdämmerung, Act I, Scene 9: "Was nahmst du am Eide nicht teil?" (Siegfried, Hagen, Gunther, Gutrune)Wolfgang Windgassen, Kurt Böhme, Hermann Uhde, Marianne Schech, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House, Fritz Stiedry
'Du bist der Lenz...' (Sieglinde - Astrid Varnay; Orchestra of Metropolitan Opera House, con. Fritz Stiedry, 1951)Wilhelm Richard Wagner, "Die Walküre". Erster Akt, dritte Szene
Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act II, Scene 23: "Troppo mi spiace" (Donna Anna)Margaret Harshaw, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House, Max Rudolf
Siegfried, Act II, Scene 17: "Hei! Siegfried erschlug nun den schlimmen" (Waldvogel, Siegfried)Laurel Hurley, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House, Fritz Stiedry
Götterdämmerung, Act III, Scene 3: "Ein Albe führte mich irr," (Siegfried, Rheintöchter)Wolfgang Windgassen, Belén Amparan, Margaret Roggero, Gloria Lind, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House, Fritz Stiedry
Pelléas et Mélisande, L. 88, Act III, Scene 2: "Que faites-vous ici?" (Golaud, Pelléas, Mélisande)George London, Theodor Uppman, Victoria de los Angeles, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House, Jean Morel
Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act II, Scene 22: "Calmatevi, idol moi" (Ottavio, Donna Anna)Eugene Conley, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House, Max Rudolf
Don Carlo, Act I, Scene 6: "Dio, che nell'alma infondere" (Don Carlo, Rodrigo, Coro)Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House, Chorus of the Metropolitan Opera House, Nino Verchi, Kurt Adler, Franco Corelli, Mario Sereni
Don Carlo, Act I, Scene 8: "Nei giardin - del bello Saracin" (Eboli, Coro, Tebaldo)Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House, Chorus of the Metropolitan Opera House, Nino Verchi, Kurt Adler, Irene Dalis, Joan Wall
Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act I, Scene 3: "Non sperar, se non m'uccidi" (Donna Anna, Don Giovanni, Leporello)Margaret Harshaw, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House, Max Rudolf
Pelléas et Mélisande, L. 88, Act V, Scene 3: "Qu'avez-vous fait? Vous allez la tuer." (Arkel, Golaud, Mélisande)Giorgio Tozzi, George London, Victoria de los Angeles, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House, Jean Morel