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Sullivan: The Pirates of Penzance or The Slave of Duty, Act 2: No. 24, Song and Chorus, "When a felon's not engaged" (Sergeant, Policemen)Owen Brannigan/Glyndebourne Chorus/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
The Gondoliers (or, The King of Barataria) (1987 - Remaster), Act II: I am a courtier grave and serious (Casilda, Duchess, Marco, Giuseppe, Duke)Edna Graham/Monica Sinclair/Richard Lewis/John Cameron/Sir Geraint Evans/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
Patience (or, Bunthorne's Bride) (1987 - Remaster), Act II: So go to him and say to him (Jane, Bunthorne)Monica Sinclair/George Baker/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
The Gondoliers (or, The King of Barataria) (1987 - Remaster), Act I: For everyone who feels inclined (Marco, Giuseppe, Chorus)Richard Lewis/John Cameron/Glyndebourne Chorus/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
The Gondoliers (or, The King of Barataria) (1987 - Remaster), Act II: With ducal pomp and ducal pride (Chorus, Duke, Duchess)Sir Geraint Evans/Monica Sinclair/Glyndebourne Chorus/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
The Yeomen of the Guard (or, The Merryman and his Maid) (1987 - Remaster), Act II: A private buffoon is a light-hearted loon (Point)Sir Geraint Evans/Glyndebourne Chorus/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
The Yeomen of the Guard (or, The Merryman and his Maid) (1987 - Remaster), Act I: I have a song to sing, O! (Elsie, Point, Crowd)Sir Geraint Evans/Elsie Morison/Glyndebourne Chorus/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
Patience (or, Bunthorne's Bride) (1987 - Remaster), Act II: A magnet hung in a hardware shop (Grosvenor, Maidens)John Cameron/Glyndebourne Chorus/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
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The Gondoliers (or, The King of Barataria) (1987 - Remaster), Act II: There lived a king (Don Alhambra, Marco, Giuseppe)Owen Brannigan/Richard Lewis/John Cameron/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
The Gondoliers (or, The King of Barataria) (1987 - Remaster), Act I: List and learn, ye dainty roses (Chorus)Glyndebourne Chorus/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
I. Spit; or, a Bite Mark in the Shape of the Sunflower StateLos Campesinos!
The Gondoliers (or, The King of Barataria) (1987 - Remaster), Act I: O rapture when alone (Casilda, Luiz)Edna Graham/Alexander Young/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
Iolanthe (or, The Peer and the Peri) (1987 - Remaster), Act I: None shall part us from each other (Phyllis, Strephon)Elsie Morison/John Cameron/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
HMS Pinafore (or, The Lass that Loved a Sailor), Act I: Sir, you are sad (Buttercup, Captain Corcoran)Monica Sinclair/John Cameron/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
HMS Pinafore (or, The Lass that Loved a Sailor), Act I: I am the captain of the Pinafore (Captain Corcoran, Sailors)John Cameron/Glyndebourne Chorus/Peter Gellhorn/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
HMS Pinafore (or, The Lass that Loved a Sailor), Act II: Kind Captain, I've important information (Dick, Captain Corcoran)Owen Brannigan/John Cameron/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent