Pater Dr. Maurus Pfaff

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Benedictiones et Praeconium: De Benedictione Cerei Paschalis The Blessings and Easter SongChoir of the Monks of the Benedictine Abbey of St. Martin, Beuron, Pater Dr. Maurus Pfaff, O.S.B.
Third Christmas Mass: Doxologia - Pater noster - Pax DominiThe Monks' Choir of the Benedictine Abbey of St. Martin, Beuron, Dr. Maurus Pfaff
Promissio Baptismalis et Missa Solemnis: Posctcommunio Spiritum nobis - Ite, missa est The Baptismal Procession and the Mass of the Easter VigilChoir of the Monks of the Benedictine Abbey of St. Martin, Beuron, Pater Dr. Maurus Pfaff, O.S.B.
Compline of Christmas: Kyrie - Pater Noster - OratioThe Monks' Choir of the Benedictine Abbey of St. Martin, Beuron, Dr. Maurus Pfaff, O.S.B.
Promissio Baptismalis et Missa Solemnis: De Processione ad Fontem Baptismalem The Baptismal Procession and the Mass of the Easter VigilChoir of the Monks of the Benedictine Abbey of St. Martin, Beuron, Pater Dr. Maurus Pfaff, O.S.B.
Second Vespers of Christmas: Kyrie eleison - Pater nosterThe Monks' Choir of the Benedictine Abbey of St. Martin, Beuron, Dr. Maurus Pfaff, O.S.B.
Promissio Baptismalis et Missa Solemnis: De Altera Parte Litaniarum The Baptismal Procession and the Mass of the Easter VigilChoir of the Monks of the Benedictine Abbey of St. Martin, Beuron, Pater Dr. Maurus Pfaff, O.S.B.
Compline of Christmas: Kyrie - Pater Noster - OratioThe Monks' Choir of the Benedictine Abbey of St. Martin, Beuron, Dr. Maurus Pfaff
Benedictiones et Praeconium: De Prima Parte Litaniarum The Blessings and Easter SongChoir of the Monks of the Benedictine Abbey of St. Martin, Beuron, Pater Dr. Maurus Pfaff, O.S.B.
Promissio Baptismalis et Missa Solemnis: De Renovatione Promissionum Basptismatis The Baptismal Procession and the Mass of the Easter VigilChoir of the Monks of the Benedictine Abbey of St. Martin, Beuron, Pater Dr. Maurus Pfaff, O.S.B.
Third Christmas Mass: Doxologia - Pater noster - Pax DominiThe Monks' Choir of the Benedictine Abbey of St. Martin, Beuron, Dr. Maurus Pfaff, O.S.B.
Benedictiones et Praeconium: De Benedictione Novi Ignis The Blessings and Easter SongChoir of the Monks of the Benedictine Abbey of St. Martin, Beuron, Pater Dr. Maurus Pfaff, O.S.B.
Second Vespers of Christmas: Kyrie eleison - Pater nosterThe Monks' Choir of the Benedictine Abbey of St. Martin, Beuron, Dr. Maurus Pfaff
Promissio Baptismalis et Missa Solemnis: Antiphona et Psalmus The Baptismal Procession and the Mass of the Easter VigilChoir of the Monks of the Benedictine Abbey of St. Martin, Beuron, Pater Dr. Maurus Pfaff, O.S.B.
Benedictiones et Praeconium: De Solemni Processione et de Praeconio Paschali The Blessings and Easter SongChoir of the Monks of the Benedictine Abbey of St. Martin, Beuron, Pater Dr. Maurus Pfaff, O.S.B.
Missa in Dominica Resurrectionis: Pater noster - Agnus Dei The Easter Sunday MassThe Monks' Choir of the Benedictine Abbey of St. Martin, Beuron, Dr. Maurus Pfaff, O.S.B.
Ad Completorium In Nativitate D.N. Jesu Christi: Benedicto: Jube, Domne, Benedicere - Lecto Brevis (1 Petr. 5, 8-9): Fratres, Sobrii Estote - Confessio: Confiteor Deo Omnipotenti - V. Converte Nos, Deus - V. Deus In Adiutorium - Antiphona "Miserere" Et PsPater Dr. Maurus Pfaff, Chor der Mönche der Benediktiner-Erzabtei St. Martin
Promissio Baptismalis et Missa Solemnis: Oratio - Lectio Epistolae - Alleluja - Tractus The Baptismal Procession and the Mass of the Easter VigilChoir of the Monks of the Benedictine Abbey of St. Martin, Beuron, Pater Dr. Maurus Pfaff, O.S.B.
Benedictiones et Praeconium: De Benedictione Aquae Baptismalis The Blessings and Easter SongChoir of the Monks of the Benedictine Abbey of St. Martin, Beuron, Pater Dr. Maurus Pfaff, O.S.B.
Secundae Vesperae In Nativitate D. N. Jesu Christi: 1 V. Deus In Adiutorium - Antiphona "Tecum Principium" Et Psalmus 109 - Antiphona "Redemptionem" Et Psalmus 110 - Antiphona "Exortum Est" Et Psalmus 111 - Antiphona "Apud Dominum" Et Psalmus 129 - CapituPater Dr. Maurus Pfaff, Chor der Mönche der Benediktiner-Erzabtei St. Martin
Benedictiones et Praeconium: De Lectionibus The Blessings and Easter SongChoir of the Monks of the Benedictine Abbey of St. Martin, Beuron, Pater Dr. Maurus Pfaff, O.S.B.
Promissio Baptismalis et Missa Solemnis: 15 - 9. Pro Laudibus Antiphona et Psalmus - Antiphona et Canticum Zachariae The Baptismal Procession and the Mass of the Easter VigilChoir of the Monks of the Benedictine Abbey of St. Martin, Beuron, Pater Dr. Maurus Pfaff, O.S.B.
Promissio Baptismalis et Missa Solemnis: Doxologia - Pater noster - Libera nos - Pax Domini The Baptismal Procession and the Mass of the Easter VigilChoir of the Monks of the Benedictine Abbey of St. Martin, Beuron, Pater Dr. Maurus Pfaff, O.S.B.
Promissio Baptismalis et Missa Solemnis: Kyrie - Gloria The Baptismal Procession and the Mass of the Easter VigilChoir of the Monks of the Benedictine Abbey of St. Martin, Beuron, Pater Dr. Maurus Pfaff, O.S.B.
Promissio Baptismalis et Missa Solemnis: Hymnum paschalis Salve festa dies The Baptismal Procession and the Mass of the Easter VigilChoir of the Monks of the Benedictine Abbey of St. Martin, Beuron, Pater Dr. Maurus Pfaff, O.S.B.
Promissio Baptismalis et Missa Solemnis: . Lectio sancti Evangelii - Oratio super oblata - Praefatio paschalis - Sanctus The Baptismal Procession and the Mass of the Easter VigilChoir of the Monks of the Benedictine Abbey of St. Martin, Beuron, Pater Dr. Maurus Pfaff, O.S.B.