Bbc Orchestra (4 страница)

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Berlioz: Benvenuto Cellini / Act 1 - "Si la terre aux beaux jours se couronne"Nicolai Gedda, Derek Blackwell, Robert Lloyd, Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, BBC Symphony Orchestra, Sir Colin Davis
Berlioz: Benvenuto Cellini / Act 1 - "Si la terre aux beaux jours se couronne"Nicolai Gedda, Derek Blackwell, Robert Lloyd, Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, BBC Symphony Orchestra, Sir Colin Davis
Concerto Symphonique for piano and orchestra - III. Moderato assai - LarghettoFrederic d'Erlanger(Фредерик Эрланже)Victor Sangiorgio (piano), BBC Concert Orchestra - Johannes Wildner
Symphony No. 8 "Symphony of a Thousand" - Part II. Schlussszene von Goethes "Faust": "Er überwächst uns schon" (Selige Knaben) - "Vom edlen Geisterchor umgeben" (Una poenitentium) - "Komm! hebe dich zu höhern Sphären!" (Mater gloriosa)Beryl Hatt, Agnes Giebel, Goldsmith's Choral Union, Hampstead Choral Society, BBC Choral Society, BBC Chorus, Emanuel School Boy's Choir, Orpington Junior Singers, London Symphony Orchestra, Jascha Horenstein