Chorus Duplex Wien

Найдено 7 композиций

Part IV, the Execution of Jesus: Chorale: Ach Liebe SeeleChorus Duplex Wien, Louie's Cage Percussion, Guido Mancusi
Part V, the Burial of the Body: Chorale: Ich Rief Den Herrn in Meiner NotChorus Duplex Wien, Louie's Cage Percussion, Guido Mancusi
Part IV, the Execution of Jesus: Chorale: Valet Will Ich Dir GebenChorus Duplex Wien, Louie's Cage Percussion, Guido Mancusi
Part IV, the Execution of Jesus: Wir Wollen Ihn Nicht Zerteilen (Chorus)Chorus Duplex Wien, Louie's Cage Percussion, Guido Mancusi
Part V, the Burial of the Body: Chorale: O Traurigkeit, O HerzeleidChorus Duplex Wien, Louie's Cage Percussion, Guido Mancusi
Part I, the Arrest: Chorale: Herr, Ich Habe MissgehandeltChorus Duplex Wien, Louie's Cage Percussion, Guido Mancusi
Part IV, the Execution of Jesus: Chorale: Das Hat Er Alles Uns GetanChorus Duplex Wien, Louie's Cage Percussion, Guido Mancusi