De_Wise (3 страница)

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Le Sacre du Printemps. Tableaux de la Russie paienne en deux parties, .: The Adration of the Earth - Introduction - the Augurs of Spring - Dance of the Young Girls - Mock Abduction - Spring Round Dances - Games of the Tival Tribes - Procession of the Wise Elder - Adoration of the Earth - Dance of the EarthCzech Philharmonic, Karel Ančerl
Martin Stahl, Ben Howard, Kid Wise, Coldplay, Avia, Leifur JamesLa sélection musicale de Zazie avant la diffusion du clip de Let It Shine
Le sacre du printemps (The Rite of Spring), Part I: The SageIgor Stravinsky
Le Sacre du Printemps. Tableaux de la Russie paienne en deux parties, .: The Adration of the Earth - Introduction - the Augurs of Spring - Dance of the Young Girls - Mock Abduction - Spring Round Dances - Games of the Tival Tribes - Procession of the Wise Elder - Adoration of the Earth - Dance of the EarthCzech Philharmonic, Karel Ančerl