Elsie Morison/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent (3 страница)

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Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1HWV 56, Pt. 1, Scene 5: No. 20, Aria. "He Shall Feed His Flock"Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra, Sir Malcolm Sargent, Eric Chadwick, Elsie Morison
Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1, Scene 4: No. 14a, Recitative. "There Were Shepherds Abiding in the Fields"Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra, Sir Malcolm Sargent, Eric Chadwick, Elsie Morison
Iolanthe (or, The Peer and the Peri) (1987 - Remaster), Act I: My Lords, it may not be (Phyllis, Lord Chancellor, Strephon, Peers)Elsie Morison/George Baker/John Cameron/Glyndebourne Chorus/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
Sullivan: The Pirates of Penzance or The Slave of Duty, Act 2: "Frederic here! Oh joy!" (Major-General, Mabel, Frederic, Sergeant, Pirate King, Ruth, Edith, Kate, Samuel, Pirates, Girls, Policemen)George Baker/Elsie Morison/Richard Lewis/James Milligan/Monica Sinclair/John Cameron/Owen Brannigan/Heather Harper/Marjorie Thomas/Glyndebourne Chorus/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
The Yeomen of the Guard (or, The Merryman and his Maid) (1987 - Remaster), Act II: When a wooer goes a-wooing (Elsie, Fairfax, Point, Phoebe)Richard Lewis/Sir Geraint Evans/Elsie Morison/Marjorie Thomas/Glyndebourne Chorus/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
The Pirates of Penzance [four numbers] (1991 Digital Remaster), Act I: Oh, is there not one maiden breast? (Frederic, Girls, Mabel)George Baker/James Milligan/Richard Lewis/Elsie Morison/Monica Sinclair/John Cameron/Owen Brannigan/Heather Harper/Marjorie Thomas/Glyndebourne Chorus/Peter Gellhorn/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
Handel / Sargent: Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1: No. 20, Duet, "He shall feed His flock like s shepherd" (Alto, Soprano)Elsie Morison/Marjorie Thomas/Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent/Eric Chadwick
Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1, Scene 4: No. 16, Recitative. "And Suddenly There Was With the Angel"Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra, Sir Malcolm Sargent, Eric Chadwick, Elsie Morison
Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1, Scene 5: No. 19, Recitative. "Then Shall the Eyes of the Blind Be Opened"Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra, Sir Malcolm Sargent, Eric Chadwick, Elsie Morison
Iolanthe (or, The Peer and the Peri) (1987 - Remaster), Act I: Of all the young ladies I know (Tolloller, Mountararat, Phyllis, Peers)Alexander Young/Ian Wallace/Elsie Morison/Glyndebourne Chorus/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
Handel / Sargent: Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 3: No. 42, Air, "I know that my Redeemer liveth" (Soprano)Elsie Morison/Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent/Eric Chadwick
Sullivan: The Mikado or The Town of Titipu, Act 2: No. 14, Madrigal, "Brightly dawns our wedding day" (Yum-Yum, Pitti-Sing, Nanki-Poo, Pish-Tush)Elsie Morison/Marjorie Thomas/Richard Lewis/John Cameron/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
The Gondoliers (or, The King of Barataria) (1987 - Remaster), Act I: Come, let's away (Marco, Giuseppe, Gianetta, Tessa)Richard Lewis/John Cameron/Elsie Morison/Marjorie Thomas/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
Iolanthe (or, The Peer and the Peri) (1987 - Remaster), Act I: My well-loved lord and guardian dear (Phyllis, Peers)Elsie Morison/Glyndebourne Chorus/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
Handel: Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1, Scene 4: Accompagnato. "And Suddenly There was with the Angel a Multitude"Elsie Morison/Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent/Eric Chadwick feat. Elsie Morison
Handel: Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1, Scene 4: Recitative. "There Were Shepherds Abiding in the Field"Elsie Morison/Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent/Eric Chadwick feat. Elsie Morison
Ruddigore (or, The Witch's Curse) (1987 - Remaster), Act I: When the buds are blossoming (Rose, Hannah, Richard, Adam, Chorus)Elsie Morison/Monica Sinclair/Richard Lewis/Harold Blackburn/Glyndebourne Chorus/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
The Yeomen of the Guard (or, The Merryman and his Maid) (1987 - Remaster), Act II: A man who would woo a fair maid (Fairfax, Elsie, Phoebe)Richard Lewis/Elsie Morison/Marjorie Thomas/Glyndebourne Chorus/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
Handel: Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 2, Scene 5: Aria with Chorus. "How Beautiful Are the Feet"Elsie Morison/Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent/Eric Chadwick feat. Elsie Morison
Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1, Scene 4: No. 15, Recitative. "And the Angel Said Unto Them"Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra, Sir Malcolm Sargent, Eric Chadwick, Elsie Morison
The Yeomen of the Guard (or, The Merryman and his Maid) (1987 - Remaster), Act I: 'Tis done! I am a bride! (Elsie)Elsie Morison/Glyndebourne Chorus/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
Sullivan: The Pirates of Penzance or The Slave of Duty, Act 1: "Oh, sisters, deaf to pity's name" (Mabel, Girls)Elsie Morison/Glyndebourne Chorus/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
Handel: Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1, Scene 4: Recitative. "And the Angel Said Unto Them"Elsie Morison/Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent/Eric Chadwick feat. Elsie Morison
Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 2, Scene 5: No. 38, Aria. "How Beautiful Are the Feet"Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra, Sir Malcolm Sargent, Eric Chadwick, Elsie Morison
Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1, Scene 5: No. 18, Aria. "Rejoice Greatly"Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra, Sir Malcolm Sargent, Eric Chadwick, Elsie Morison
Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1, Scene 4: No. 14b, Recitative. "And Lo, the Angel of the Lord"Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra, Sir Malcolm Sargent, Eric Chadwick, Elsie Morison