Handel - Emma Kirkby (4 страница)

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Rodrigo HWV 3, Act III : Perche Viva Il Caro SposoHandel - Emma Kirkby, Catherinr Bott, The Brandenburg Consort, Roy Goodman
Handel: "Tra le fiamme", HWV 170 - L'uomo che nacque per salire al CieloEmma Kirkby, Academy of Ancient Music, Christopher Hogwood
Coelestis dum spirat aura, motet for soprano, 2 violins & continuo, HWV 231: 'Vestro, religiosi principes', Recitative for sopranoG.F.Handel / Emma Kirkby London Baroque
Recitative : A Me Nel Mio Rossore (Duet)Handel - Emma Kirkby, Catherine Bott, The Brandenburg Consort, Roy Goodman
Laudate Pueri Dominum, psalm, for soprano, 2 violins & continuo in F, HWV 236 (Emma Kirkby - soprano; Ingrid Seifert, Richard Gwilt - violin; Terence Charlston - harpsichord, organ; London Baroque, Charles Medlam), 2001George Frideric Handel
Handel: Orlando, HWV 31 / Act 3 - Che vedo, oh dei!David Thomas, Arleen Augér, Emma Kirkby, Catherine Robbin, Academy of Ancient Music, Christopher Hogwood
Salve Regina, antiphon for soprano, strings, organ & continuo in G minor, HWV 241: 'O clemens, o pia, o dulcis' for sopranoG.F.Handel / Emma Kirkby London Baroque
Recitative : Che Vidi? Che Mirai! (Duet)Handel - Emma Kirkby, Catherine Bott, The Brandenburg Consort, Roy Goodman
Handel: Orlando, HWV 31 / Act 1 - O Angelica, o MedoroEmma Kirkby, Arleen Augér, Academy of Ancient Music, Christopher Hogwood