Ian Davies (4 страница)

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Davy: The Passion according to St. Matthew - Tunc abiit unus de duodecim, qui dicebatur Judas ScariothIan Partridge, Christopher Keyte, Purcell Consort Of Voices, Choristers Of All Saints, Grayston Burgess
Handel: Alcina, HWV 34, Act 3, Scene 3: Aria. "Sta nell'Ircana" (Ruggiero)Richard Hickox feat. Della Jones
Davy: The Passion according to St. Matthew - Mane autem factoIan Partridge, Christopher Keyte, Purcell Consort Of Voices, Choristers Of All Saints, Grayston Burgess
Handel: Alcina, HWV 34, Act 2, Scene 9: Recitativo. "Or, che dici, Morgana?" - "All'offesa" (Oronte, Morgana)Richard Hickox feat. Eiddwen Harrhy, Maldwyn Davies
Britten: Billy Budd, Op. 50, Act 1, Scene 3: "Hi! You" (Billy, Dansker, Red Whiskers, Donald, Sailors, Squeak, Claggart, Boy)Daniel Harding feat. Alasdair Elliott, Andrew Tortise, Daniel Teadt, Gidon Saks, Hugo Shepherd, London Symphony Chorus, Matthew Best, Nathan Gunn
Davy: The Passion according to St. Matthew - Principes autem sacerdotum et seniores persuaserunt populis ut peterent BarrabamIan Partridge, Christopher Keyte, Purcell Consort Of Voices, Choristers Of All Saints, Grayston Burgess
Davy: The Passion according to St. Matthew - Et ecce unus ex his, qui erant cum Jesu, extendens manumIan Partridge, Christopher Keyte, Purcell Consort Of Voices, Choristers Of All Saints, Grayston Burgess
Handel: Alcina, HWV 34, Act 1, Scene 5: Recitativo. "Qua dunque ne veniste" - Recitativo. "Io sono tua difesa" (Oronte, Bradamante, Morgana)Richard Hickox feat. Eiddwen Harrhy, Kathleen Kuhlmann, Maldwyn Davies
Handel: Alcina, HWV 34, Act 1, Scene 8: Aria. "Semplicetto!" (Oronte)Richard Hickox feat. Maldwyn Davies
Davy: The Passion according to St. Matthew - A sexta autem hora, tenebrae factae sunt super universam terramIan Partridge, Christopher Keyte, Purcell Consort Of Voices, Choristers Of All Saints, Grayston Burgess
Davy: The Passion according to St. Matthew - Petrus autem sedebat foris in atrioIan Partridge, Christopher Keyte, Purcell Consort Of Voices, Choristers Of All Saints, Grayston Burgess
Handel: Alcina, HWV 34, Act 2, Scene 10: Aria. "È un folle" (Oronte)Richard Hickox feat. Maldwyn Davies
Britten: Billy Budd, Op. 50, Act 2, Scene 1: "O This Cursed Mist" (Vere, Redburn, Ratcliffe, Flint)Daniel Harding feat. Ian Bostridge, Jonathan Lemalu, Matthew Rose, Neal Davies
Davy: The Passion according to St. Matthew - Cum autem sero factum essetIan Partridge, Christopher Keyte, Purcell Consort Of Voices, Choristers Of All Saints, Grayston Burgess
Davy: The Passion according to St. Matthew - Tunc venit Jesum cum illis in villam, quae dicitur GethsemaniIan Partridge, Christopher Keyte, Purcell Consort Of Voices, Choristers Of All Saints, Grayston Burgess
Britten: Billy Budd, Op. 50, Act 2, Scene 1: "Deck Ahoy! Enemy Sail on Starboard Bow!" (Maintop, Bosun, Flint, Redburn, Ratcliffe, Sailors, Vere)Daniel Harding feat. Andrew Staples, Ian Bostridge, Jonathan Lemalu, London Symphony Chorus, Mark Stone, Matthew Rose, Neal Davies
Davy: The Passion according to St. Matthew - Tunc venit ad discipulos suos, et dixit illis: Dormite iam et requiesciteIan Partridge, Christopher Keyte, Purcell Consort Of Voices, Choristers Of All Saints, Grayston Burgess
Davy: The Passion according to St. Matthew - Sedente autem illo per tribunali, misit ad eum uxor eiusIan Partridge, Christopher Keyte, Purcell Consort Of Voices, Choristers Of All Saints, Grayston Burgess
Davy: The Passion according to St. Matthew - At illi tenentes JesumIan Partridge, Christopher Keyte, Purcell Consort Of Voices, Choristers Of All Saints, Grayston Burgess
Davy: The Passion according to St. Matthew - Coenantibus autem eis, accepit Jesum panemIan Partridge, Christopher Keyte, Purcell Consort Of Voices, Choristers Of All Saints, Grayston Burgess
Davy: The Passion according to St. Matthew - Cum autem esset Jesus in BethaniaIan Partridge, Christopher Keyte, Purcell Consort Of Voices, Choristers Of All Saints, Grayston Burgess
Britten: Billy Budd, Op. 50, Act 2, Scene 1: "Volunteers! Call for Boarding Volunteers!" (Vere, Redburn, Donald, Red Whiskers, Dansker, Sailors, Billy, Maintop, Ratcliffe)Daniel Harding feat. Alasdair Elliott, Andrew Staples, Daniel Teadt, Ian Bostridge, London Symphony Chorus, Matthew Best, Matthew Rose, Nathan Gunn, Neal Davies