J/El (4 страница)

Найдено 124 композиции

Marsé J. - «El embrujo de Shanghai», una novela sobre la decepción y el desengañoUn libro una hora
El Misteri d'Elx - Sacred drama in two parts for the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Vespra - Vigile (Premiere journee): St. Peter - O Deu valeu [J]Ensemble Gilles Binchois/Dominique Vellard/Georges Lartigau
El Misteri d'Elx - Sacred drama in two parts for the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Vespra - Vigile (Premiere journee): St. Peter - Verge humil, flor de honor [J]Ensemble Gilles Binchois/Dominique Vellard/Georges Lartigau
El Misteri d'Elx - Sacred drama in two parts for the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Festa - Fete - Seconde journee: St. Peter - Preneu vos, Joan [J]Ensemble Gilles Binchois/Dominique Vellard/Georges Lartigau