Mьnsterschwarzach Benedictine Abbey Choir - Father Godehard Joppich (4 страница)

Найдено 136 композиций

Anonymous: Third Mass for Christmas (Dritte Messe an Weihnachten/Troisième Messe de Noël) - Offertorium: Tui sunt caeliBenedictine Monks of the Abbey Münsterschwarzach, Pater Godehard Joppich
Reiter, Grubinger: Communio "In splendoribus sanctorum" (First Mass for Christmas)Gerhard Reiter, Burcu Karadag, Hakki Özpinar, Benedictine Monks of the Abbey Münsterschwarzach, Pater Godehard Joppich
Anonymous: Epiphanias (Epiphany/Epiphanie) - Offertorium: Reges TharsisBenedictine Monks of the Abbey Münsterschwarzach, Pater Godehard Joppich
Anonymous: First Mass for Christmas (Erste Messe an Weihnachten/Première Messe de Noël) - Graduale: Tecum principiumBenedictine Monks of the Abbey Münsterschwarzach, Pater Godehard Joppich
Anonymous: Second Mass for Christmas (Zweite Messe an Weihnachten/Seconde Messe de Noël) - Offertorium: Deus enim frimavit orbem terraeBenedictine Monks of the Abbey Münsterschwarzach, Pater Godehard Joppich
Anonymous: Third Mass for Christmas (Dritte Messe an Weihnachten/Troisième Messe de Noël) - Introitus: Puer natus est nobisBenedictine Monks of the Abbey Münsterschwarzach, Pater Godehard Joppich
Anonymous: Easter Sunday - Introitus: ResurrexiBenedictine Monks of the Abbey Münsterschwarzach, Pater Godehard Joppich
Anonymous: First Mass for Christmas (Erste Messe an Weihnachten/Première Messe de Noël) - Introitus: Dominus dixit ad meMartin Grubinger, Leonhard Schmidinger, Ismael Barrios, Heiko Jung, Rainer Furthner, Benedictine Monks of the Abbey Münsterschwarzach, Pater Godehard Joppich
Anonymous: Third Mass for Christmas (Dritte Messe an Weihnachten/Troisième Messe de Noël) - Introitus: Puer natus est nobisBenedictine Monks of the Abbey Münsterschwarzach, Pater Godehard Joppich