Mirella Freni Bbc Symphony Orchestra Sir Colin Davis (3 страница)

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Mozart: Don Giovanni / Act 1 - "Batti, batti, o bel Masetto" - "Guarda un po' come seppe questa strega"Ingvar Wixell, Richard van Allan, Mirella Freni, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Sir Colin Davis
Mozart: Don Giovanni / Act 2 - "Zitto... Lascia ch'io senta... Ottimamente"Ingvar Wixell, Richard van Allan, Mirella Freni, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Sir Colin Davis
Le nozze di Figaro: No.2 Duettino. Se acaso Madama; Recitativo: Or bene, ascoltaWolfgang Amadeus Mozart - BBC Symphony Orchestra, con. Sir Colin Davis
Mozart: Don Giovanni / Act 1 - "Masetto... senti un po'..."Richard van Allan, Mirella Freni, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Sir Colin Davis
Mozart: Don Giovanni / Act 1 - "Presto, presto... pria ch'ei venga" - "Tra quest' arbori celata"Ingvar Wixell, Richard van Allan, Mirella Freni, Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Sir Colin Davis
Mozart: Don Giovanni / Act 1 - "Là ci darem la mano...Fermati, scellerato!"Ingvar Wixell, Kiri Te Kanawa, Mirella Freni, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Sir Colin Davis