Monks Of The Benedictine Abbey (4 страница)

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Compline of Christmas: Benedictio - Lectio brevis - ConfessioThe Monks' Choir of the Benedictine Abbey of St. Martin, Beuron, Dr. Maurus Pfaff
First Christmas Mass: Offertorium Midnight MassThe Monks' Choir of the Benedictine Abbey of St. Martin, Beuron, Dr. Maurus Pfaff
Prima Missa in Commemoratione Omnium Fidelium Defunctorum: 2 KyrieThe Monks' Choir of the Benedictine Abbey of St. Martin, Beuron, Dr. Maurus Pfaff, O.S.B.
Third Christmas Mass: Oratio - Lectio EpistolaeThe Monks' Choir of the Benedictine Abbey of St. Martin, Beuron, Dr. Maurus Pfaff, O.S.B.
Third Christmas Mass: Oratio super oblata - Praefatio in Nativitate DominiThe Monks' Choir of the Benedictine Abbey of St. Martin, Beuron, Dr. Maurus Pfaff, O.S.B.
Third Christmas Mass: Communio Viderunt omnesThe Monks' Choir of the Benedictine Abbey of St. Martin, Beuron, Dr. Maurus Pfaff
Second Vespers of Christmas: Oratio Concede, quaesumusThe Monks' Choir of the Benedictine Abbey of St. Martin, Beuron, Dr. Maurus Pfaff
Second Vespers of Christmas: Deus in adiutoriumThe Monks' Choir of the Benedictine Abbey of St. Martin, Beuron, Dr. Maurus Pfaff
Third Christmas Mass: Introitus Puer natus est nobisThe Monks' Choir of the Benedictine Abbey of St. Martin, Beuron, Dr. Maurus Pfaff
Second Vespers of Christmas: Responsorium breve Verbum caroThe Monks' Choir of the Benedictine Abbey of St. Martin, Beuron, Dr. Maurus Pfaff
Missa In Dominica Resurrectionis (Easter Sunday Mass) - IX. EvangeliumChoir of the Monks of the Benedictine Abbey of St. Martin, Pater Maurus Pfaff
Anonymous: Third Mass for Christmas (Dritte Messe an Weihnachten/Troisième Messe de Noël) - Introitus: Puer natus est nobisBenedictine Monks of the Abbey Münsterschwarzach, Pater Godehard Joppich
Compline of Christmas: AntiphonaL Alma Redemptoris Mater.The Monks' Choir of the Benedictine Abbey of St. Martin, Beuron, Dr. Maurus Pfaff, O.S.B.
Compline of Christmas: Hymnus Tu lucis ante terminumThe Monks' Choir of the Benedictine Abbey of St. Martin, Beuron, Dr. Maurus Pfaff
Second Vespers of Christmas: Kyrie eleison - Pater nosterThe Monks' Choir of the Benedictine Abbey of St. Martin, Beuron, Dr. Maurus Pfaff, O.S.B.
Second Vespers of Christmas: Kyrie eleison - Pater nosterThe Monks' Choir of the Benedictine Abbey of St. Martin, Beuron, Dr. Maurus Pfaff
Third Christmas Mass: Graduale Viderunt omnesThe Monks' Choir of the Benedictine Abbey of St. Martin, Beuron, Dr. Maurus Pfaff
Anonymous: First Mass for Christmas (Erste Messe an Weihnachten/Première Messe de Noël) - Introitus: Dominus dixit ad meBenedictine Monks of the Abbey Münsterschwarzach, Pater Godehard Joppich
First Christmas Mass: Doxologia Midnight MassThe Monks' Choir of the Benedictine Abbey of St. Martin, Beuron, Dr. Maurus Pfaff
Anonymous: Third Mass for Christmas (Dritte Messe an Weihnachten/Troisième Messe de Noël) - Introitus: Puer natus est nobisBenedictine Monks of the Abbey Münsterschwarzach, Pater Godehard Joppich
Missa In Dominica Resurrectionis (Easter Sunday Mass) - II. KyrieChoir of the Monks of the Benedictine Abbey of St. Martin, Pater Maurus Pfaff
Anonymous: Good Friday - Tractus: Domine, exaudi orationem meamBenedictine Monks of the Abbey Münsterschwarzach, Pater Godehard Joppich
Compline of Christmas: Salva nos - Nunc dimittisThe Monks' Choir of the Benedictine Abbey of St. Martin, Beuron, Dr. Maurus Pfaff
Improvisation on Salve Festa DiesMonks Of The Benedictine Abbey en Calcat
Third Christmas Mass: Oratio - Lectio EpistolaeThe Monks' Choir of the Benedictine Abbey of St. Martin, Beuron, Dr. Maurus Pfaff