Noel_Anonymous (2 страница)

Найдено 49 композиций

Anonymous: Third Mass for Christmas (Dritte Messe an Weihnachten/Troisième Messe de Noël) - Graduale: Viderunt omnesBenedictine Monks of the Abbey Münsterschwarzach, Pater Godehard Joppich
Anonymous: First Mass for Christmas (Erste Messe an Weihnachten/Première Messe de Noël) - Introitus: Dominus dixit ad meMartin Grubinger, Leonhard Schmidinger, Ismael Barrios, Heiko Jung, Rainer Furthner, Benedictine Monks of the Abbey Münsterschwarzach, Pater Godehard Joppich
Anonymous: Second Mass for Christmas (Zweite Messe an Weihnachten/Seconde Messe de Noël) - Graduale: Benedictus qui venitBenedictine Monks of the Abbey Münsterschwarzach, Pater Godehard Joppich
Anonymous: Third Mass for Christmas (Dritte Messe an Weihnachten/Troisième Messe de Noël) - Offertorium: Tui sunt caeliBenedictine Monks of the Abbey Münsterschwarzach, Pater Godehard Joppich
Anonymous: Second Mass for Christmas (Zweite Messe an Weihnachten/Seconde Messe de Noël) - Communio: Exsulta filia SionBenedictine Monks of the Abbey Münsterschwarzach, Pater Godehard Joppich
Noël · A Star in the EastAnonymous 4
Anonymous: First Mass for Christmas (Erste Messe an Weihnachten/Première Messe de Noël) - as practise at St. Mark's, Venice - Collect "Dominus vobiscum - Deus, qui hanc sacratissimam noctem"Paul McCreesh, Gabrieli
Anonymous: Third Mass for Christmas (Dritte Messe an Weihnachten/Troisième Messe de Noël) - Communio: Viderunt omnes fines terraeBenedictine Monks of the Abbey Münsterschwarzach, Pater Godehard Joppich
Anonymous: Second Mass for Christmas (Zweite Messe an Weihnachten/Seconde Messe de Noël) - Offertorium: Deus enim frimavit orbem terraeBenedictine Monks of the Abbey Münsterschwarzach, Pater Godehard Joppich