One Cross (4 страница)

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The Seven Last Words of Christ on the Cross, Hob.XX:1: VI. Sonata No. 5 in A Major. Adagio, Sitio (I Thirst)Rafael Ruibérriz De Torres/La Spagna
The Seven Last Words of Christ on the Cross, Hob.XX:1: IV. Sonata No. 3 in E Major. Grave, mulier ecce filius tuus (Woman, Behold Your Son)Rafael Ruibérriz De Torres/La Spagna
The Seven Last Words of Christ on the Cross, Hob.XX:1: II. Sonata No. 1 in B-Flat Major. Largo pater, dimitte illis, quia nesciunt, quid faciunt )Father Forgive them, for They Know not What They Do)Rafael Ruibérriz De Torres/La Spagna
The Seven Last Words of Christ on the Cross, Hob.XX:1: IX. Il terremoto in C Minor. Presto e con tutta la ForzaRafael Ruibérriz De Torres/La Spagna
The Seven Last Words of Christ on the Cross, Op. 51, Hob. XX:1: Sonata VII. LargoPrague Chamber Orchestra, Milan Munclinger
The Seven Last Words of Christ on the Cross, Hob.XX:1: VII. Sonata No. 6 in G Minor/Major. Lento, consummatum est (It is Finished)Rafael Ruibérriz De Torres/La Spagna
The Seven Last Words of Christ on the Cross, Hob.XX:1: V. Sonata No. 4 in F Minor. Largo, deus meus, deus meus, utquid dereliquisti me? (My God, My God, Why Have You Forsaken Me?)Rafael Ruibérriz De Torres/La Spagna
The Seven Last Words of Christ on the Cross, Hob.XX:1: VIII. Sonata No. 7 in E-Flat Major. Largo, in manus tuas domine, commendo spiritum meum (Into Your Hands, Lord, I Commend my Spirit)Rafael Ruibérriz De Torres/La Spagna
The Seven Last Words of Christ on the Cross, Op. 51, Hob. XX:1: Sonata II. Grave e cantabilePrague Chamber Orchestra, Milan Munclinger
The Seven Last Words of Christ on the Cross, Hob.XX:1: III. Sonata No. 2 in C Minor. Grave e cantabile, hodie mecum eris in paradiso (Today You Will be with me in Paradise)Rafael Ruibérriz De Torres/La Spagna