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HMS Pinafore (or, The Lass that Loved a Sailor), Act II: Carefully on tiptoe stealing (Ralph, Josephine, Sailors, Captain Corcoran, Dick)Richard Lewis/Elsie Morison/John Cameron/Owen Brannigan/Glyndebourne Chorus/Peter Gellhorn/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
The Gondoliers (or, The King of Barataria) (1987 - Remaster), Act I: I stole the Prince (Don Alhambra, Casilda, Luiz, Duke, Duchess)Owen Brannigan/Edna Graham/Alexander Young/Sir Geraint Evans/Monica Sinclair/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
The Gondoliers (or, The King of Barataria) (1987 - Remaster), Act I: Then away they go to an island fair (Chorus, Marco, Giuseppe, Gianetta, Tessa)Richard Lewis/John Cameron/Elsie Morison/Marjorie Thomas/Glyndebourne Chorus/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
HMS Pinafore (or, The Lass that Loved a Sailor), Act I: Can I survive this overbearing (Ralph, Sailors, Hebe, Relatives, Dick, Josephine)Richard Lewis/Marjorie Thomas/Owen Brannigan/Elsie Morison/Glyndebourne Chorus/Peter Gellhorn/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
Iolanthe (or, The Peer and the Peri) (1987 - Remaster), Act I: When darkly looms the day (Strephon, Mountararat, Iolanthe, Tolloller, Phyllis, Peers)John Cameron/Ian Wallace/Marjorie Thomas/Alexander Young/Elsie Morison/Glyndebourne Chorus/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
Handel: Alcina, HWV 34, Act 2, Scene 9: Recitativo. "Or, che dici, Morgana?" - "All'offesa" (Oronte, Morgana)Richard Hickox feat. Eiddwen Harrhy, Maldwyn Davies
(I Just) Died In Your Arms (OrKomodo
The Gondoliers (or, The King of Barataria) (1987 - Remaster), Act II: Rising early in the morning (Giuseppe, Chorus)John Cameron/Glyndebourne Chorus/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
Iolanthe (or, The Peer and the Peri) (1987 - Remaster), Act II: In vain to us you plead (Leila, Celia, Fairies, Tolloller, Mountararat, Peers)Heather Harper/April Cantelo/Alexander Young/Ian Wallace/Glyndebourne Chorus/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
Iolanthe (or, The Peer and the Peri) (1987 - Remaster), Act I: In babyhood upon her lap I lay (Strephon, Lord Chancellor, Mountararat, Phyllis, Peers)John Cameron/George Baker/Ian Wallace/Elsie Morison/Glyndebourne Chorus/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
Ruddigore (or, The Witch's Curse) (1987 - Remaster), Act I: In sailing o'er life's ocean wide (Rose, Richard, Robin)Elsie Morison/Richard Lewis/George Baker/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
The Gondoliers (or, The King of Barataria) (1987 - Remaster), Act II: I am a courtier grave and serious (Casilda, Duchess, Marco, Giuseppe, Duke)Edna Graham/Monica Sinclair/Richard Lewis/John Cameron/Sir Geraint Evans/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
The Yeomen of the Guard (or, The Merryman and his Maid) (1987 - Remaster), Act II: A man who would woo a fair maid (Fairfax, Elsie, Phoebe)Richard Lewis/Elsie Morison/Marjorie Thomas/Glyndebourne Chorus/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
The Gondoliers (or, The King of Barataria) (1987 - Remaster), Act I: And now to choose our brides (Marco, Giuseppe, Fiametta, Vittoria, Gianetta, Tessa, Chorus)Richard Lewis/John Cameron/Stella Hitchens/Lavinia Renton/Elsie Morison/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
Indian Reservation ( from "Indian Reservation" ©1979) / Vinil 7"Orlando Riva Sound
The Yeomen of the Guard (or, The Merryman and his Maid) (1987 - Remaster), Act II: When a wooer goes a-wooing (Elsie, Fairfax, Point, Phoebe)Richard Lewis/Sir Geraint Evans/Elsie Morison/Marjorie Thomas/Glyndebourne Chorus/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
The Yeomen of the Guard (or, The Merryman and his Maid) (1987 - Remaster), Act I: When maiden loves she sits and sighs (Phoebe)Marjorie Thomas/Glyndebourne Chorus/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
Clown Blood; or, Orpheus’ bobbing HeadLos Campesinos!
The Yeomen of the Guard (or, The Merryman and his Maid) (1987 - Remaster), Act II: Strange adventure! (Kate, Dame Carruthers, Fairfax, Meryll)Richard Lewis/John Cameron/Monica Sinclair/Doreen Hume/Glyndebourne Chorus/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
Ruddigore (or, The Witch's Curse) (1987 - Remaster), Act I: You understand? (Richard, Sir Despard)Richard Lewis/Owen Brannigan/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
The Gondoliers (or, The King of Barataria) (1987 - Remaster), Act II: Of happiness the very pith (Chorus, Marco, Giuseppe)Richard Lewis/John Cameron/Glyndebourne Chorus/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
HMS Pinafore (or, The Lass that Loved a Sailor), Act II: A many years ago (Buttercup, Relatives, Sailors)Monica Sinclair/Glyndebourne Chorus/Peter Gellhorn/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
ApaciSerdar Örs
HMS Pinafore (or, The Lass that Loved a Sailor), Act I: I am the monarch of the sea (Sir Joseph, Hebe, Relatives, Sailors)George Baker/Marjorie Thomas/Glyndebourne Chorus/Peter Gellhorn/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
The Gondoliers (or, The King of Barataria) (1987 - Remaster), Act I: Try we life-long (Casilda, Duchess, Luiz, Duke, Don Alhambra)Edna Graham/Monica Sinclair/Alexander Young/Sir Geraint Evans/Owen Brannigan/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
Iolanthe (or, The Peer and the Peri) (1987 - Remaster), Act I: A shepherd I (Strephon, Tolloller, Mountararat, Lord Chancellor, Peers)John Cameron/Alexander Young/George Baker/Ian Wallace/Glyndebourne Chorus/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
Iolanthe (or, The Peer and the Peri) (1987 - Remaster), Act I: Oh, shameless one, tremble! (Phyllis, Strephon, Tolloller, Lord Chancellor, Peers)Elsie Morison/John Cameron/Alexander Young/George Baker/Glyndebourne Chorus/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
The Yeomen of the Guard (or, The Merryman and his Maid) (1987 - Remaster), Act I: How say you maiden (Lieutenant, Point, Elsie)Denis Dowling/Sir Geraint Evans/Elsie Morison/Glyndebourne Chorus/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
Ruddigore (or, The Witch's Curse) (1987 - Remaster), Act II: I once was as meek as a new-born lamb (Robin, Adam)George Baker/Harold Blackburn/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
Ruddigore (or, The Witch's Curse) (1987 - Remaster), Act II: When the night wind howls (Roderic, Ancestors)Joseph Rouleau/Glyndebourne Chorus/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
Ruddigore (or, The Witch's Curse) (1987 - Remaster), Act II: There grew a little flower (Hannah, Roderic)Monica Sinclair/Joseph Rouleau/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
Ruddigore (or, The Witch's Curse) (1987 - Remaster), Act I: When the buds are blossoming (Rose, Hannah, Richard, Adam, Chorus)Elsie Morison/Monica Sinclair/Richard Lewis/Harold Blackburn/Glyndebourne Chorus/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
HMS Pinafore (or, The Lass that Loved a Sailor), Act I: Oh joy, oh rapture unforeseen (Ralph, Josephine, Sailors, Relatives, Dick)Richard Lewis/Elsie Morison/Owen Brannigan/Glyndebourne Chorus/Peter Gellhorn/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
Iolanthe (or, The Peer and the Peri) (1987 - Remaster), Act II: If you go in, you're sure to win (Tolloller, Mountararat, Lord Chancellor)Alexander Young/Ian Wallace/George Baker/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent