Prague Philharmonic Choir, Josef Veselka (3 страница)
Найдено 187 композиций
From the House of the Death, ., Act II: "Nice Plays, Weren´t They?" (A.P.Gorjančikov, Aljeja, mladý Tatar, Filka Morozov /Luka Kuzmič/, stařičký vezeň, mladý vězeň, + hlas za jevištěm, poběhlice) — Richard Novák, Milada Jirglová, Vilém Přibyl, Beno Blachut, Miroslav Švejda, Alena Míková, Czech Philharmonic, Prague Philharmonic Choir, Václav Neumann, Josef Veselka
4:25Requiem in D Minor: II. Graduale — Czech Philharmonic, Prague Philharmonic Choir, Igor Markevitch, Josef Veselka
2:34Píseň velké naděje — Prague Philharmonic Choir, Josef Veselka
1:52Canticum canticorum, .: Introduxit me rex — Prague Philharmonic Choir, Josef Veselka
2:22New Spring: Podzimní ráno — Prague Philharmonic Choir, Josef Veselka
1:44Buóh všemohúcí, . — Prague Philharmonic Choir, Josef Veselka
1:09Canticum canticorum, .: Sicut lilium inter spinas — Prague Philharmonic Choir, Josef Veselka
3:25Symphony No. 2 '"Lobgesang'" in B-Flat Major, Op. 52, .: X. Chorale: Nun danket alle Gott (Chorus) — Czech Philharmonic, Prague Philharmonic Choir, Wolfgang Sawallisch, Josef Veselka
4:46Mass in D-Sharp Major, Op. 86, .: Kyrie. Andante con moto — Marcela Machotková, Stanislava Škatulová, Oldřich Lindauer, Dalibor Jedlička, Prague Symphony Orchestra, Prague Philharmonic Choir, Václav Smetáček, Josef Veselka
5:18The Bartered Bride, Act I, Scene 5: "Polka a Chorus - Come On, Girl, Let´s Be Merry" — Josef Veselka, Zdeněk Košler, Prague Philharmonic Choir, Bedřich Smetana, Karel Sabina, Czech Philharmonic Orchestra
4:31Missa Papae Marcelli: IV. Sanctus — Prague Philharmonic Choir, Josef Veselka
3:36Osamělá bez těchy, JW IV/26 — Prague Philharmonic Choir, Josef Veselka
1:45Il bianco e dolce, . — Prague Philharmonic Choir, Josef Veselka
2:05Symfonietta. Four Mixed Choruses: II. Poledne — Prague Philharmonic Choir, Josef Veselka
1:50Canticum canticorum, .: Vox dilecti mei (att.) — Prague Philharmonic Choir, Josef Veselka
2:05Four Male Choruses: Oh War — Prague Philharmonic Choir, Josef Veselka
2:55Four Moravian Male Choruses, .: If You Only Knew — Prague Philharmonic Choir, Josef Veselka
2:13Folk Poetry of Hukvaldy in Songs: God Reward You — Prague Philharmonic Choir, Josef Veselka
1:56Lord´s Prayer — Prague Philharmonic Choir, Josef Veselka
2:30Na prievoze, JW IV/15 — Prague Philharmonic Choir, Josef Veselka
2:31Canticum canticorum, .: Quam pulchri sunt — Prague Philharmonic Choir, Josef Veselka
2:35Spring Day. Mixed Chorus — Prague Philharmonic Choir, Josef Veselka
2:26Hallelujah! — Prague Philharmonic Choir, Josef Veselka
1:01Serenada, . — Prague Philharmonic Choir, Josef Veselka
3:40Na košatej jedli dva holubi seďá, JW IV/11 — Prague Philharmonic Choir, Josef Veselka
1:58Carmina Burana. Cantiones profanae cantoribus et choris cantandae comitantibus instrumentis atque imaginibus magicis: Fortuna imperatrix mundi - O Fortuna — Milada Šubrtová, Jaroslav Tománek, Theodor Šrubař, Czech Philharmonic, Czech Philharmonic Children´s Choir, Prague Philharmonic Choir, Václav Smetáček, Markéta Kühnová, Josef Veselka
2:27Vínek stonulý, JW IV/6 — Prague Philharmonic Choir, Josef Veselka
2:04Choruses of Mathers: Hulánova píseň — Prague Philharmonic Choir, Josef Veselka
2:09Alexander Nevsky, Op. 78: Arise, Ye Russian People. Allegro risoluto — Czech Philharmonic Orchestra, Prague Philharmonic Choir, Karel Ančerl, Josef Veselka
2:04Serenada, . — Prague Philharmonic Choir, Josef Veselka
3:39Four Male Choruses: Oh Love! — Prague Philharmonic Choir, Josef Veselka
1:47Mass in D-Sharp Major, Op. 86, .: Benedictus. Lento — Prague Symphony Orchestra, Prague Philharmonic Choir, Václav Smetáček, Josef Veselka, Jaroslav Tvrzský
6:15Madonna sua merce, . — Prague Philharmonic Choir, Josef Veselka
2:37O vlaštovkách a dívkách. Cycle: Dívča, dívča, laštovička — Prague Philharmonic Choir, Josef Veselka
1:10The Bartered Bride, JB 1:100, Act III, Scene 10: Remember, Neighbour! (Krušina, sedlák, Ludmila, manželka Krušiny, Mařenka, Krušinova dcera, Mícha, gruntovník, Jeník, Míchův syn z prvního manželství) — Jindřich Jindrák, Marie Veselá, Gabriela Beňačková, Jaroslav Horáček, Peter Dvorský, Czech Philharmonic, Prague Philharmonic Choir, Zdeněk Košler, Josef Veselka
2:09Carmina Burana. Cantiones profanae cantoribus et choris cantandae comitantibus instrumentis atque imaginibus magicis: Cour d´amours - Circa mea pectora — Milada Šubrtová, Jaroslav Tománek, Theodor Šrubař, Czech Philharmonic, Czech Philharmonic Children´s Choir, Prague Philharmonic Choir, Václav Smetáček, Markéta Kühnová, Josef Veselka
2:07Father Songs: Father Song — Prague Philharmonic Choir, Josef Veselka
1:28Four Moravian Male Choruses, .: If You Only Knew — Prague Philharmonic Choir, Josef Veselka
2:14Four Male Choruses: Vyhrůžka — Prague Philharmonic Choir, Josef Veselka
2:31Folk Poetry of Hukvaldy in Songs: Andrew, Andrew! — Prague Philharmonic Choir, Josef Veselka