Sephardic Romances (2 страница)
Найдено 46 композиций
Nani, nani — Accentus Sephardic Romance
4:05 La Rosa Enflorece (Romance, trad. Sephardic) — Therese Schroeder-Sheker
7:33 Anonymous: Sephardic Romances from the Age before the Expulsion of the Jews from Spain in 1492: Moricos los mis moricos — Jordi Savall
2:59 Anonymous: Sephardic Romances from the Age before the Expulsion of the Jews from Spain in 1492: El rey que tanto madruga — Jordi Savall
3:08 Anonymous: Sephardic Romances from the Age before the Expulsion of the Jews from Spain in 1492: Paxarico tu te llamas — Jordi Savall
1:52 Durme,durme_hermozo_hijico — Accentus Sephardic Romance