Sir Malcolm Sargent/Pro Arte Orchestra

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Trial by Jury: Silence in Court...All hail, great Judge (Usher, Others, Judge)Owen Brannigan/George Baker/Glyndebourne Chorus/Peter Gellhorn/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
Ruddigore (or, The Witch's Curse) (1987 - Remaster), Act I: In sailing o'er life's ocean wide (Rose, Richard, Robin)Elsie Morison/Richard Lewis/George Baker/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
Trial by Jury: Oh, never, never, never (Judge, Jury, Plaintiff, Bridesmaids, Usher)George Baker/Elsie Morison/Owen Brannigan/Glyndebourne Chorus/Peter Gellhorn/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
The Gondoliers (or, The King of Barataria) (1987 - Remaster), Act I: Then away they go to an island fair (Chorus, Marco, Giuseppe, Gianetta, Tessa)Richard Lewis/John Cameron/Elsie Morison/Marjorie Thomas/Glyndebourne Chorus/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
Trial by Jury: Oh, gentlemen, listen, I pray (Defendant, Bridesmaids)Richard Lewis/Glyndebourne Chorus/Peter Gellhorn/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
Trial by Jury: Comes the broken flower (Bridesmaids, Plaintiff)Elsie Morison/Glyndebourne Chorus/Peter Gellhorn/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
Trial by Jury: Now jurymen hear my advice (Usher, Barristers, Attorneys, Jury, Public)Owen Brannigan/Glyndebourne Chorus/Peter Gellhorn/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
Sullivan: The Pirates of Penzance or The Slave of Duty, Act 1: No. 13, Song with Chorus, "I am the very model of a modern Major-General" (Major-General, Girls, Pirates)George Baker/Glyndebourne Chorus/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
Sullivan: The Pirates of Penzance or The Slave of Duty, Act 1: No. 11, Recitative and Chorus, "Stay, we must not lose our senses" (Frederic, Girls, Pirates)Richard Lewis/Glyndebourne Chorus/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
The Gondoliers (or, The King of Barataria) (1987 - Remaster), Act II: Of happiness the very pith (Chorus, Marco, Giuseppe)Richard Lewis/John Cameron/Glyndebourne Chorus/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
Trial by Jury: Where is the plaintiff? (Counsel, Usher)John Cameron/Owen Brannigan/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
Sullivan: The Pirates of Penzance or The Slave of Duty, Act 2: "Ah, leave me not to pine" (Mabel, Frederic)Elsie Morison/Richard Lewis/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
Sullivan: The Pirates of Penzance or The Slave of Duty, Act 1: No. 1, Opening Chorus, "Pour, oh pour the pirate sherry" (Pirates, Samuel)John Cameron/Glyndebourne Chorus/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
Trial by Jury: The question, gentlemen, is one of liquor (Judge, Counsel, Plaintiff, Defendant, Others)George Baker/John Cameron/Elsie Morison/Richard Lewis/Glyndebourne Chorus/Peter Gellhorn/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
Sullivan: The Mikado or The Town of Titipu, Act 1: No. 1, Chorus, "If you want to know who we are" (Nobles)Glyndebourne Chorus/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
Leoncavallo, Pagliacci - Un Grande Spettacolo A Ventitré Ore OriginalMaria Callas feat. Tullio Serafin, Teatro alla Scala di Milano
Sullivan: The Mikado or The Town of Titipu, Act 1: No. 4, Song, "Young man, despair" (Pooh-Bah, Nanki-Poo, Pish-Tush)Ian Wallace/Richard Lewis/John Cameron/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
Sullivan: HMS Pinafore or The Lass that Loved a Sailor: Overture (Allegro - Allegro vivace)Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
Trial by Jury: When I, good friends, was called to the Bar (Judge, Others)George Baker/Glyndebourne Chorus/Peter Gellhorn/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
Iolanthe (or, The Peer and the Peri) (1987 - Remaster), Act II: If you go in, you're sure to win (Tolloller, Mountararat, Lord Chancellor)Alexander Young/Ian Wallace/George Baker/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
Trial by Jury: When first my old, old love I knew (Defendant, Jury)Richard Lewis/Glyndebourne Chorus/Peter Gellhorn/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
Sullivan: The Pirates of Penzance or The Slave of Duty, Act 2: No. 20, Trio, "Away, away! my heart's on fire" (Ruth, Pirate King, Frederic)Monica Sinclair/James Milligan/Richard Lewis/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
Trial by Jury: A nice dilemma we have here (Judge, Counsel, Defendant, Plaintiff, Others)George Baker/John Cameron/Richard Lewis/Glyndebourne Chorus/Peter Gellhorn/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
Trial by Jury: Is this the Court of the Exchequer? (Defendant, Jury, Others)Richard Lewis/Glyndebourne Chorus/Peter Gellhorn/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
Ruddigore (or, The Witch's Curse) (1987 - Remaster), Act II: I once was as meek as a new-born lamb (Robin, Adam)George Baker/Harold Blackburn/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
Trial by Jury: May it please you, my Lud! (Counsel, Others)John Cameron/Glyndebourne Chorus/Peter Gellhorn/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
HMS Pinafore (or, The Lass that Loved a Sailor), Act II: A many years ago (Buttercup, Relatives, Sailors)Monica Sinclair/Glyndebourne Chorus/Peter Gellhorn/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
Patience (or, Bunthorne's Bride) (1987 - Remaster), Act II: When I go out of door (Bunthorne, Grosvenor)George Baker/John Cameron/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
Sullivan: The Mikado or The Town of Titipu, Act 1: No. 4a, Recitative, "And have I journey'd for a month" (Nanki-Poo, Pooh-Bah)Richard Lewis/Ian Wallace/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
HMS Pinafore (or, The Lass that Loved a Sailor), Act I: A British tar is a soaring soul (Ralph, Boatswain, Boatswain's Mate, Sailors)Richard Lewis/James Milligan/John Cameron/Owen Brannigan/Glyndebourne Chorus/Peter Gellhorn/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
Sullivan: The Pirates of Penzance or The Slave of Duty, Act 1: No. 14, Finale, "Oh, men of dark and dismal fate" (Major-General, Pirate King, Samuel, Pirates)George Baker/John Cameron/James Milligan/Glyndebourne Chorus/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
Sullivan: The Mikado or The Town of Titipu, Act 1: No. 6, Chorus, "Comes a train of little ladies" (Girls)Glyndebourne Chorus/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
Ruddigore (or, The Witch's Curse) (1987 - Remaster): Overture (arr. Geoffrey Toye)Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
Sullivan: The Pirates of Penzance or The Slave of Duty, Act 1: "Oh, sisters, deaf to pity's name" (Mabel, Girls)Elsie Morison/Glyndebourne Chorus/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
Trial by Jury: Hark, the hour of ten is sounding (Barristers, Attorneys, Jury, Public)Glyndebourne Chorus/Peter Gellhorn/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent
HMS Pinafore (or, The Lass that Loved a Sailor), Act I: When I was a lad I served a term (Sir Joseph, Relatives, Sailors)George Baker/Glyndebourne Chorus/Peter Gellhorn/Pro Arte Orchestra/Sir Malcolm Sargent