The Russian Patriarchate Choir Anatoly Grindenko

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Hymn to the Mother of God Vladimir Martinov VersionRussian Patriarchate Choir, Anatoly Grindenko
We Praise You, God Te DeumRussian Patriarchate Choir, Anatoly Grindenko
O Lord, You Made the Rightly Reasoning Thief (Exaposteilarion of Great Friday at the Mattins of the Twelve Gospels)Anatoly Grindenko, The Russian Patriarchate Choir
Psalm 140 for the Liturgy of the Presanctified GiftsThe Russian Patriarchate Choir, Anatoly Grindenko
We Prostrate Ourselves 19th Cent.Russian Patriarchate Choir, Anatoly Grindenko
Stikhira from the Apostikha of Great Fraday at Vespers Bulgarian Chant, 17th Cent.Russian Patriarchate Choir, Anatoly Grindenko
Snow, the Time Has Come Russian Folk SongRussian Patriarchate Choir, Anatoly Grindenko
Great Doxology and Trisagion Hymn Ode 1. Polyphonic Singing, Chant from the Antonievo-Siysky Monastery, 17th Cent.Russian Patriarchate Choir, Anatoly Grindenko
Joseph with Nicodemus Took You Down (Stikhira from the Apostikha of Great Friday at Vespers)Anatoly Grindenko, The Russian Patriarchate Choir
Panikhida: No. 17, Kontakion - OikosThe Russian Orthodox Patriarchate Choir, Anatoly Grindenko
Vigil for the Feast of the Protecting Veil of the Mother of God in the Monastery of the Caves in Kiev: No. 3, Great Litany of PeaceRussian Patriarchate Choir, Anatoly Grindenko
Liturgy for the catechumens (Anatoly Grindenko), 1996The Russian Patriarchate Choir
Vigil for the Feast of the Protecting Veil of the Mother of God in the Monastery of the Caves in Kiev: No. 6, Lucernarium Psalms. Stikhira of the ResurrectionRussian Patriarchate Choir, Anatoly Grindenko
Vigil for the Feast of Saint Joseph of Volokolamsk: No. 11, Glory Be to the Father - Stikharion Come on This Day, Choirs of MonksRussian Patriarchate Choir, Anatoly Grindenko
Vigil for the Feast of the Protecting Veil of the Mother of God in the Monastery of the Caves in Kiev: No. 7, Stikhira of the Protecting VeilRussian Patriarchate Choir, Anatoly Grindenko
Vigil for the Feast of the Protecting Veil of the Mother of God in the Monastery of the Caves in Kiev: No. 18, PolyeleosRussian Patriarchate Choir, Anatoly Grindenko
Orthodox Requiem: Troparia in tone 5The Russian Orthodox Patriarchate Choir, Anatoly Grindenko
Liturgy for the Catechumens: No. 9, Troparion of the Dedication of the Church of the Resurrection of Christ, Mode 4The Russian Patriarchate Choir, Anatoly Grindenko
Vigil for the Feast of the Protecting Veil of the Mother of God in the Monastery of the Caves in Kiev: No. 12, Litia Stikhira of the Protecting VeilRussian Patriarchate Choir, Anatoly Grindenko
Vigil for the Feast of Saint Joseph of Volokolamsk: No. 16, Glory Be to the Father - MegalynarionRussian Patriarchate Choir, Anatoly Grindenko
Joy of the Celestial Forces Chant from the Optina Poustyn Monastery, 4-voice Choir, 19th Cent.Russian Patriarchate Choir, Anatoly Grindenko
Great Doxology and Triagion Hymn Ode 1. Polyphonic Singing, 17th Cent.Russian Patriarchate Choir, Anatoly Grindenko
Liturgy of the Faithful: No. 10, Communion Verse in Honour of the Holy ApostlesThe Russian Patriarchate Choir, Anatoly Grindenko
Vigil for the Feast of the Protecting Veil of the Mother of God in the Monastery of the Caves in Kiev: No. 11, Insistent LitanyRussian Patriarchate Choir, Anatoly Grindenko
Liturgy for the Catechumens: No. 7, Third Antiphon. The BeatitudesThe Russian Patriarchate Choir, Anatoly Grindenko
Liturgy for the Catechumens: No. 2, First Antiphon (Psalm 102)The Russian Patriarchate Choir, Anatoly Grindenko
Vigil for the Feast of the Protecting Veil of the Mother of God in the Monastery of the Caves in Kiev: No. 27, Lauds. Stikhira of the Protecting VeilRussian Patriarchate Choir, Anatoly Grindenko
Vigil for the Feast of Saint Joseph of Volokolamsk: No. 7, Glory Be to the Father - Stikharion Exult and RejoiceRussian Patriarchate Choir, Anatoly Grindenko
Liturgy for the Catechumens: No. 1, Initial Blessing and LitanyThe Russian Patriarchate Choir, Anatoly Grindenko
Panikhida: No. 1, The King in HeavenThe Russian Orthodox Patriarchate Choir, Anatoly Grindenko
Vigil for the Feast of the Protecting Veil of the Mother of God in the Monastery of the Caves in Kiev: No. 1, Opening Blessing InvitatoryRussian Patriarchate Choir, Anatoly Grindenko
Weep Not for Me, O Mother (Heirmos of Ode 9, Canon of Mattins on Great Saturday)Anatoly Grindenko, The Russian Patriarchate Choir