Ukrainian Bandurist Chorus (Hryhory Kytasty
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My new shoes were stolen ( Чи це ж тiї черевички...) Instrumental compositions — Ukrainian Bandurist Chorus (Hryhory Kytasty, Conductor)
2:56Potpourri (a. Ancient dance melody (Старовинний танок) b. Oh, willow, willow where did you grow... (Ой вербо, вербо) Solopart P. Honcharenko c. Oh, my sweetheart... (А мiй милий)) Instrumental compositions — Ukrainian Bandurist Chorus (Hryhory Kytasty, Conductor)
7:51Selection of merry folksongs A merry girl was walking on the beach (Ой ходила дiвчина бережком) I drop my spinning to join the merrymaking (Кину кужiль на полицю) It's raining but my sweetheart will still come to me. (Дощик) Arr. by D. Pika — Ukrainian Bandurist Chorus (Hryhory Kytasty, Conductor)