Vol. 2. Religious Songs And Cantillations
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Negro cult music for the Saint Sidi Marzûq, type "Msarha" from Nefta, Djerîd — Tunisia, Vol. 2. Religious songs and cantillations
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2:20 Muezzin's call to prayer — Tunisia, Vol. 2. Religious songs and cantillations
1:33 Qorân, Sura no. 63, "Al-Munafiqun" — Tunisia, Vol. 2. Religious songs and cantillations
4:38 Muezzin's call to prayer — Tunisia, Vol. 2. Religious songs and cantillations
1:39 Moslem sect Sûlamîya of Bèja — Tunisia, Vol. 2. Religious songs and cantillations
13:10 Moslem sect Bû 'Alîya of Nefta. Salem a Nefta yel meshi; Ya ûledi menhû makhrûm — Tunisia, Vol. 2. Religious songs and cantillations
15:38 Circumcision ceremony at the village of Hara Kebira, island of Djerba — Tunisia, Vol. 2. Religious songs and cantillations