Yung Death X Forever Sixteen (3 страница)

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Saul, HWV 53 : Act III, Scene V - Elegy on the Death of Saul and Jonathan: Chorus. "Gird on Thy Sword, Thou Man of Might" (Israelites)Christopher Purves, Sarah Connoly, Robert Murray, Elizabeth Atherton, Joélle Harvey, Mark Dobell, Jeremy Budd, Stuart Young, The Sixteen, Harry Christophers & Orchestra of The Sixteen
係要聽ROCK'N ROLLBeyond
Saul, HWV 53 : Act III, Scene V - Elegy on the Death of Saul and Jonathan: "Mourn, Israel, Mourn Thy Beauty Lost" (Chours)Christopher Purves, Sarah Connoly, Robert Murray, Elizabeth Atherton, Joélle Harvey, Mark Dobell, Jeremy Budd, Stuart Young, The Sixteen, Harry Christophers & Orchestra of The Sixteen
Forever Young 022 [November 16 2012] on Pure.FmTechtower
Saul, HWV 53 : Act III, Scene V - Elegy on the Death of Saul and Jonathan: Chorus."Eagles Were Not So Swift As They..." (Israelites)Christopher Purves, Sarah Connoly, Robert Murray, Elizabeth Atherton, Joélle Harvey, Mark Dobell, Jeremy Budd, Stuart Young, The Sixteen, Harry Christophers & Orchestra of The Sixteen